Saturday, June 20, 2009

Home,safe and sound

After a week in Guatemala, the team arrived safely at RDU last night. The plane touched down at 9:33pm. Caleb was so excited to see Anastasia. It was a very quiet week for him without his buddy. He does not stay up past his bedtime (8:00pm) very often, but we made an exception so he could come with us. Everyone looked great! We heard all the wonderful stories of the team's time at the children's home. Anastasia said she was asking who was able to be adopted so she could bring them home. There are not many children there who can be adopted. Most do have families who are unable to care for them. We are glad to have her home. There will be more pictures to follow. Thank God for answered prayer!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Swimming lessons

Here I am once again sitting pool side as I watch our fourth child learn to swim. Anastasia & Jonathan were born swimming. I could not keep their heads above water. Timmy did Not want to take swimming lessons. I really thought this child would never swim. After many lessons, many tears, and many prayers for bravery, he learned to swim. Caleb was sort of in the middle of the swimming readiness scale. He loves the water. He's just not sure of this whole breathing under water thing. Two years ago, we took lessons at Meredith. He would not jump in, he would not float on his back, and he definitely would not go under water. Two years later, he is putting his face in the water, floating on his back, and making "big arms" out of the water. We have prayed for the Lord to make him brave so he can swim safely and enjoy the pool on vacation in July. God is so wonderful. He cares about the little details of our lives. There are few things that are more precious then the prayers of a child. What a great God we serve!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Happy Extended First Anniversary

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body. "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh." This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband. Hope you had a wonderful day! We love you.

Friday, June 12, 2009


So this morning at 4:10 am, Ted drove Anastasia to the airport. This will be her first out of the country mission's trip. She will be part of a team that is going to Agua Viva children's home. She was wide awake at 3:50am. We told her to try to sleep on the plane. They will be 2 hours behind us. The Lord must have a great work in store for the team. Andrew and Rebecca's grandma passed away this week. They drove to Johnson City, Tenn on Thursday morning for the service. Then, they drove back that afternoon to go on the trip. On Tuesday morning, David Stout was taken into Hospice care in Hillsborough. This meant that Linda, Ernie, and Nick would not be able to join the team. I told Anastasia that everyone would have to step up and take the place of those who couldn't make it. Our house is very quiet without her. We miss her but know that she will be a great blessing to the children of the home. Cathi called us tonight to let us know that the team arrived and they were getting ready to have dinner with the kids. Joe, who was traveling with the team, had changed his phone to international. Don said this would be the only call. It was a comfort to know they all arrived there safely. May God bless their time there and use everyone's talents for His glory.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mother Bear Project

So about two moths ago, Ted was reading a magazine. He quickly called me over and said,"this is your next missions project!" The magazine was-NEED. They highlight folks that are involved with humanitarian efforts around the world. They say that they are not out to save the world, just tell the stories of those who are. One of the articles was about Amy Berman's project. What can offer a comforting presence to a child affected by HIV?AIDS? Amy remembered the comforting teddy bears her mother use to knit for her as a child. I love what she said in the article,"With every stitch I make, I know that bear is going to be held by a child." Berman says," It makes me feel good to be able to do something to alleviate this feeling of 'what can I do?' Well, I can do this, and it is making a difference." She now ships roughly 1000 bears each month to numerous African countries. I announced this project at Stony Hill a few months ago. We met over tea and homemade scones(thanks to Miss Carly). Candy instructed us on knitting and Ginny helped those who wanted to crochet. Last week, I shipped 35 bears to the project. We also gave 20 bears to the team going to Agua Viva. Cards were hand written to the children from the knitters, with prayers and love. The home will hand them out to the children on their birthdays or Christmas. Candy's friend is going to Romania in a week. She will be working with orphans. She asked if we could make 7 bears for her to take. Candy sent me the pictures of these sweet children. It has been such a blessing to have God bless our efforts. Katie is going to Africa next month and would love to have some bears to take with her. I must say that these bears are addicting. I just finished me 11th bear. I let Caleb pick out the colors of the bears. This way it is a family mission's project. These bears are a promise that someone cares. One little boy risked his life to rescue his bear. He told his sister," I have to get my bear. The heart on it means someone loves me." Their house was destroyed minutes later by torrential rains. My heart has been touched by this project and I will continue to knit through the summer. Check out the website at : Make a bear. Make a difference.